Thursday, November 13, 2008

baby, baby, baby

I love music. LOVE it.  I can't really explain why - something about how it calls us out of just life into something beyond. I don't know. But, here are some great musical experiences I've had lately:

- singing unashamedly on election day on the streets of DC with Devi - complete with motions, made up songs, high school musical, jack johnson and bing crosby covers. (Also, I got to carry the guitar on the metro which made me feel cool)
- leading worship for my bible study and then hearing the guys jam afterwards on my guitar, realizing that I am the worst guitar player there, and wowed that the Lord uses me 
- getting distracted from conversations because of good music. 
- new great worship cds. If you're in need of some things fresh, check out: new life worship's counting on God, and Hillsong's this is our God
- dancing. I need more dancing. 

God is good. He loves loves loves us, which is amazing. Satan is tricky. He wants pride or self-doubt or lies to sneak in and it's so easy to let him - which is why I am thankful for community because we were not meant to run this race alone. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you.